fueled by gratitude

We build confidence.​
We support teams and communities in their pursuit of increased transparency, absolute trust and a shared vision for "winning".
We are all part of a team at every turn.
And on each team, we play different roles.
Our work helps you explore your role on your team, uncover the potential of your team, and provide the tools to understand how to flourish as a truly GR8 TM8!
We help teams maximize potential.
Thriving mental health can move mountains.​
Relationships built on trust thrive.​
We have lost our ability to engage.
It is about honesty and positivity.
It is about developing a shared vision.
Humans are meant to flourish in communities built on the principles of engagement, meaning, relationships and shared achievement.
We help build these communities.

I want to help groups of people achieve more by focusing on what they can control, by building trust amongst the members of the team and by providing guidance and support towards establishing a transparent and empathetic team culture.
All of this leads to increased confidence and, in return, increased performance and results.
As a father, husband, coach and business operator, it has become clear to me that the concepts introduced through my athletic career transcend any single sport. Combined with my advanced academic work in Positive Psychology and Athletic Leadership, it has become evident that we have work to do, as a society, on maximizing our potential and building teams (sports, organizations, communities) grounded in trust and shaped by a growth mindset.
- Adam Stewart